Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thing #2

Creating this blog was a little difficult for me. I have been trying to learn the WordPress system since I started my own website this summer in hopes of learning how to use it to get ahead of the curve for my future as a educator. I know that I want to have a classroom website, but I haven't really figured out what I want it to look like yet. If you would like to see my website I made over the summer it is at sarahliz. ( So, the process of learning another website's design and skeleton system has been a bit of a challenge for me because I confuse the two systems. Also, the avatar was extremely frustrating, mostly because i am unhappy with the very light shade of brown that I found. I attempted to make an avatar that resembled me, but my hair and my eyes are very dark. I chose the accessorize my avatar with a stack of books, because I love reading. Choosing a title, a web address, and posting my really name was fairly simple though. I don't really see any point in anonymity for a beginner's website (especially one that I am making for school), and I really love my sarahliz concept- so I thought I would just carry it over into this project.

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